Food Categories » Sport and Diet Nutritionals » Bars, Wafers, Puddings

Nutritional Information, Diet Info and Calories in Bars, Wafers, Puddings

Name Brand Description Access Level
Strawberry Fruit Chew Adams 'Body Smarts' Creamy Fruit Chews  
Tri-o-pro Protein Cookie Strength Systems USA flavors may vary slightly  
Triple Threat Bar, Caramel Peanut Crisp PowerBar  
Triple Threat Bar, Caramel Peanut Fusion PowerBar  
Triple Threat Bar, Chocolate Caramel Fusion PowerBar  
Triple Threat Bar, Chocolate Peanut Butter Crisp PowerBar  
Triple Threat Bar, Chocolate Toffee Almond PowerBar  
Triple Threat Bar, S'mores PowerBar  
Whey Gold Meal Optimum Nutrition  
Whole Food Energy Bar - Berry Flavour Vega  
Whole Food Energy Bar - Chocolate Flavour Vega  
Whole Food Energy Bar - Natural Flavour Vega  
Whole Food Vibrance Bar - Chocolate Decadence Vega  
Whole Food Vibrance Bar - Green Synergy Vega  
Whole Food Vibrance Bar - Wholesome Original Vega